Quinquatrus, Liberalia ac Anna Perenna Coniuncta in Festo Unico
by: N. Moravius Vado
This is a reconstruction rite suggested for modern practitioners of the religio romana. It is a combined ritual for the goddesses and god whose festivals were held on 15-17 March: the Ides of March as the New Year, recognizing Anna Perenna; the Liberalia honouring Pater Liber (Bacchus), and the Quinquatrus honoring Minerva.

The sacrarium is defined by lights in the Four Corners of the room. The celebrants follow the Sacerdota in procession around the sacrarium and then take their places at the corners. The Sacerdota prays:

Vivat flamma viget, seu cava testula sucum linteolo suggerit ebrio, seu pinus piceam fert alimoniam. Lumen quod tibi offero, suscipe, precor, Diva.

(May the lively flame thrive, whether a little earthen bowl feed the thirsty linen wick, or pinewood that lends its pitch. Take, Goddess, I pray, the light which in your service I offer).

Pate fac sacrarium.

(Let the sacred space be opened).

The other celebrants enter, following the Sacerdota, and process sunwise to take their places at the cardinal points. A lustration of space and people is made with spring water, mola salsa is scattered, and both are censed with incense.

Before lustrating:

Ab illa benedicaris, in cuius honore spargaris.

Before scattering:

Ab illa benedicaris, in cuius honore friaris.

Before censing:

Ab illa benedicaris, in cuius honore cremaberis.

(May thou be blessed by those in whose honour thou shalt be sprinkled / scattered / burned)

The Sacerdos takes position between the mensa and focus and prays:

Da, Diva, veniam si te non pecudum fibris, non sanguine fuso, quaero nec arcanis numen coniecto sub extis.

(Grant, Goddess, pardon, if I seek you not with the bodies of slain beasts, nor with blood poured forth, nor divine heaven’s will from the secrets of their entrails).

Dies admoniet et forti sacrificare deae, quod est illa nata Minerva die.

(This day reminds us to sacrifice to the strong goddess, for today is Minerva’s birthday).

Pallada nunc oremus. Qui bene placavit Pallada, doctus erit.

(Let us pray now to Pallas, for whosoever wins Pallas’ favour shall be learned).

Nec quisquam invita Pallade faciet bene licet antiquo manibus conlatus Epeo sit prior, irata Pallade mancus erit.

(No one, though more cunning in handiwork than old Epeus, can do well; he shall be helpless, if Pallas be displeased with him).

Vos quoque, Phoeba morbos qui pellitis arte, munera de vestris pauca referte deae.

(You too, who banish sickness by Phoebus’ art, bring from your earnings a few gifts to the goddess).

Nec vos, turba fere censu fraudante, magistri, spernite; discipulos attrahit illa novos.

(Schoolmasters, do not spurn her either, nor cheat her of your earnings: she will bring you new students).

Mille dea est operum. Si mereramus, studiis adsit amica nostris.

(She is the goddess of a thousand works. May she be friendly to our pursuits, if we deserve it).

Domina haec domii sodalitatisque patrona, te hoc sacrificio obmovendo precamus uti sies volens propitius nobis domi familiaeque nostris; harumce rerum ergo, macte hoc sacrificio.

(Lady, protectress of these households and this fellowship, in making this offering to you we pray that you be propitious toward us and our families; because of these things, be honoured by this sacrifice).

(Incense and mulsum are offered on the focus).

Sulis Minerva Belisama, Medica, Sollertissima, Pallas, Athena, Propugnatrix, sive quo alio nomine appelari volveris, aegida semper super nos extende.

(By whatever name you wish to be called, spread your aegis ever over us).

Et te, Bacche, grati animi recordamus. Ante tuos ortus area sine honore fuerunt, Liber, et in gelidis herba reperta focis.

(And you, Bacchus, we remember in gratitude. Before your birth, Liber, the altars were without offerings, and grass grew on the cold hearths).

Melle pater fruitur, liboque infusa calenti iure repertori candida mella damus. Macte ergo, Pater, hisce donam.

(Liber Pater enjoys honey, and it is right that we should give to its discoverer clear honey infused in hot cakes. Be honoured, therefore, Father, by this offering).

(Cakes in honey and mulsum are offered on the focus).

Iamque decet itidem Annae Perennae precationem atque sacra facere. Macte, Dea, hunc crustum et vinum quod tibi nunc inferimus.

(And now, too, it is right to pray and offer to Anna Perenna. Be honoured, Goddess, by this cake and wine which we now offer you).

(Spelt cake and wine are offered on the focus).

Sine, Dea, quod tamen vinoque quot sumamus cyathos, ad numerumque bibamus.

(Grant, Goddess, that we number as many years as we drink cups of wine).

Each pledges the others, saying:

Ebibete, O Fortunati, qui Nestoris annos, quae sit per calices Sibylla!

(Drink up, O Blessed Ones, as many cups as Nestor numbered years, and as many as the Sibyll!)

(The participants may take it in turns to drink to something; each must remember to pledge all the preceding subjects as well, or pay a forfeit, such as drinking an additional cup of wine. Thus: (First Person: “Anna Perenna!” All repeat: “Anna Perenna!” and drink. Second person: “Liber Pater and Anna Perenna!” and drink. Third person: “Admiral Plinius, Liber Pater and AnnaPerenna!” etc. It is recommended that the wine be watered, and/or very small cups used).

(If anything should go wrong at any point):

Iove Pater et vos dii invocati, si quidquam fuit vobis ingratum in stipe a nos oblata, accipite hoc piaculum. (Offer incense).
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