Confirmatory oaths (drawn from the plays of Plautus)
by: M. Horatius Piscinus & N. Moravius Vado
Per Iovem deosque omnis adiuro.

By Jove and all the gods I swear. [Menaechmi 617]

Enim vero me Iuppiter, itaque me Iuno, itaque Ianus ita.

It is true, by Jupiter, by Juno and by Janus. [Cistellaria 520]

Ita, me amabit Iuppiter.

It is so, may Jupiter love me. [Trinummus 447]

Nam ita me Venus amoena amet.

So may Venus love me. [Stichus 738]

(Deus/Dea) testem te testor mihi, si..., tum ego, dico, (Deus/Dea), ut tu audias... dato. Illaec advorsum si quid pecasso, (Deus/Dea), veneror te ut miser(us/a ego esse)

God/dess, I call on you to witness that if..., then I - I speak, God/dess, that you may hear - I will give... And if I do anything to violate this, I pray that I shall suffer misfortune. [Rudens 1338-49]

Per Dium fidium quaeris.

By the gods I’ll swear it as you ask. [Amphitryon 23]

Ita me Iuppiter Iuno Ceres Minerva Latona Spes Opis Virtus Venus Castor Polluces Mars Mercurius Hercules Summanus Sol Saturnus dique omnes ament ut ille cum illa neque cubat neque ambulat neque osculatur neque illud quod dici solet.

By Jupiter and all the gods and goddess, I swear she is not lying with him, walking hand-in-hand with him, kissing him full upon the lips, or in any other way, as they say, being familiar with him. [Bacchides 892-895]

Per supremi regis regnum iuro et matrem familias Iunonem, quam me vereri et metuere est par maxime, ut me extra unum te mortales nemo corpus corpore contigit, quome impudicam fasceret.

By the Highest gods ruling in the heavens, by Juno, too, she whom most of all I fear and venerate, I swear that no mortal man has ever come near enough to touch me or in any way impugn upon my chastity and give me cause for shame. [Amphitryon 831-834]
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