Fontinalia Medritinaliaque coniuncti in Uno
by: N. Moravius Vado
This is a reconstruction ritual intended for use by modern practitioners of the religio romana. The rite celebrates the Meditrinalia (11 Oct) and the Fontinalia (13 Oct).

1. Incendio.

The celebrants define and consecrate a sacred space using corner posts, white woollen fillets and Roman lamps. It incorporates a fire-altar (focus) and the table of offerings (mensa), on which are honey cakes (crusta mellei), jugs of old and new wine and water, mola salsa (salted spelt flour), incense in a turibulum, a bowl of lustral water and sprig of rosemary. Those wishing to attend are invited to enter the space. A celebrant lights the lamps and focus, (hearth) praying:

Vivax flamma viget, seu cava testula sucum linteolo suggerit ebrio, seu pinus piceam fert alimoniam. Lumen quod vobis offero, suscipe, precor, dive.

"So doth the lively flame thrive, whether a little earthen bowl feed the thirsty linen wick, or pinewood that lends its pitch.. Accept, Divine One, I pray, the light which I offer you."

One of the celebrants takes Mola Salsa and prays:

Liber Pater, fave! Quia tibi nunc operata resolvimus ora, quae ad sacrae tuae adsummus.

"O Father Bacchus, grant us your favour! We who are come to your sacred rite in your service now open our lips."

2. Purificatio.

A lustration of space and people is made with water and wine, mola salsa is scattered, and both are censed with incense. (One person per element).

Before lustrating/sprinkling/censing:

Ab illos benedicaris, in cuius honore friaris / spargaris / cremaberis

"Be thou blessed by those in whose honour thou shalt be scattered / sprinkled / burned"

3. Invocatio.

Ante tuos ortus arae sine honore fuerunt, Liber, et in gelidis herba reperta focis.

"Before thy birth, Liber, the altars were without offerings and grass grew on the cold hearths."

Old and new wine are mixed together with water, and each drinks in turn, saying:

Vinum vetum novumque bibo, de morbo veto novoque medeor

"As I drink of this wine old and new, so of all ills old and new may I be healed."

4. Dedicatio.

Melle Liber fruitur, liboque infusa calenti iure repertori candida mella damus

"Bacchus enjoys honey, and it is right that we give its discoverer honey cakes."

Crusta Mellei are burned on the fire for the god, and shared by the participants.

Sicut nobis dulces fruges autumni.

So may the fruits of Autumn be sweet to us

5. Ambulatio.

The celebrants then walk in procession to the spring and cast garlands thereon.

6. Recitatio.

(A poem is recited).

7. Sacrificio.

Vina dat Liber, fert sibi quisque coronam, miscendas large rivus agit aquas.

Liber gives the wine, each brings his garland: a stream supplies water in plenty to dilute the wine.

Anima sacra fontis, macte coronae vinoque crustoque quod inferimus.

Sacred spirit of the spring, be honoured by these garlands, wine and cakes. She crumbles cake and pours wine in the spring.


Sic sacrae nobis omnia aquae terrae. Ita sit!

"So may all the waters of the earth be sacred to us. So may it be!"

Silence for prayer/meditation is kept. The ceremony is ended.
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