Symbolic protest has accomplished quite a lot over the course of history. I am reminded of some non-violent resistance acts during the American civil rights movement in the 1960s.
I certainly understand your thought that a vote for a "no hope" third party candidate equates to throwing your vote away and I know there are many who agree with you, but I respectfully disagree.
Even if you did vote for a long shot outsider, at least you voted. You made your voice heard. One vote may not make much difference, but many votes can. It's your opportunity to say "I'm mad as h-ll and I'm not going to take it anymore!" Far better, at least in my opinion, to speak up rather than remain silent.
Perhaps I am too naive or too optimistic, but "the squeaky wheel gets the grease," as the old saying goes. I would like to think that our ancient Roman brethren (and sistren?

Optime vale,