Marius' thread!

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Moderator: Aldus Marius

Spic and Span

Postby Aldus Marius on Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:19 am

Salvete, amici Romani!

I just returned from the Oklahoma City VA Medical Center last week. I am halfway through my five-year post-cancer "surveillance period"...and I'm still clean.

BOO-YAH!!!!!!!!! *assumes Crane position, pumps fist*

Too bad they can't do anything about my scatterbrain... Ahh, well. People have to be able to recognise me when I come here, nonne? >({|;-)
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Re: Marius' thread!

Postby Primus Aurelius Timavus on Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:07 am

Fantastic, Mari!!!!

The VA comes through for once!
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Re: Marius' thread!

Postby Valerius Claudius Iohanes on Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:39 pm

Ave, Marii - Good to hear. :)

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Comin' Through

Postby Aldus Marius on Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:12 am

Salvete amici!

The VA health care system has always come through for me. It's the 'forsaken Compensation and Pension Division that hasn't given me anything but a hard time. "Jet fuel causes cancer?? --Prove it!"

But VA Medical Center Dallas screwed my head back on reasonably straight after my psychiatric episode; VAMC Loma Linda found meds that could do the job without wiping my brain; and VAMC Oklahoma City caught and removed the cancer before it got very far. For free, all of it! I defy the best-laid health-care plans of mice and men to do the same.
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Re: Marius' thread!

Postby Marcus Lupinius Paulus on Mon May 03, 2010 2:35 pm

Great news Mari! Glad to read things are looking more on the up and up for you!

I owe you an email about the Templvm Isidis site. As soon as I find the password, I'll send it to you if you would like to have the site.
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Re: Marius' thread!

Postby Valerius Claudius Iohanes on Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:11 pm

Ad Marium ipsum -

Here it is, 2019, I manage to log in once more and read your announcement of your passing that 5-year mark of "no cancer".

That was 2010 - in 2015, I myself had cancer and treatment and all that. Sometime next year, I'll be at that mark of five cancer-clear years.

Now, since this IS 2019 and this venerable old site has been still and quiet for so many years, I wonder if I can actually post this post....
Valerius Claudius Iohannes
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Re: Marius' thread!

Postby Valerius Claudius Iohanes on Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:11 pm

Ad Marium ipsum -

Here it is, 2019, I manage to log in once more and read your announcement of your passing that 5-year mark of "no cancer".

That was 2010 - in 2015, I myself had cancer and treatment and all that. Sometime next year, I'll be at that mark of five cancer-clear years.

Now, since this IS 2019 and this venerable old site has been still and quiet for so many years, I wonder if I can actually post this post....
Valerius Claudius Iohannes
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Re: Marius' thread!

Postby Valerius Claudius Iohanes on Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:12 pm

Ad Marium ipsum -

Here it is, 2019, I manage to log in once more and read your announcement of your passing that 5-year mark of "no cancer".

That was 2010 - in 2015, I myself had cancer and treatment and all that. Sometime next year, I'll be at that mark of five cancer-clear years.

Now, since this IS 2019 and this venerable old site has been still and quiet for so many years, I wonder if I can actually post this post....
Valerius Claudius Iohannes
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Re: Marius' thread!

Postby Aldus Marius on Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:32 pm

Marius here too; login successful, neither lock nor key has gotten rusty, and I hope this message doesn't triple-post.

Here goes nuthin'....
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Re: Marius' thread!

Postby Valerius Claudius Iohanes on Thu Sep 05, 2019 10:02 pm

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Re: Marius' thread!

Postby Aldus Marius on Thu Sep 05, 2019 10:28 pm

...And here comes Trouble. >({|;-)

I never did close the Forum to new posts, only to registering any new members. If you want to bring back the crew, you can.
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