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Moving topics...?

Postby Aldus Marius on Sat May 07, 2005 10:01 pm

Salve, Duelliane (still my all-time favorite SVR cognomen!)...

Oh, dear. We're getting the (re)organizational Urge. Migrate in the fall, organize in the spring... It's a seasonal occurance, I think. About like me doing maintenance on my Lorica every April and October.

Actually, I would object to the moving of those threads. The Roleplay is where it is because both Drama and Literature may be considered "artes". Communal Storytelling is one of the oldest art-forms of all, predating even written literature by some tens of thousands of years. It's nice to sit around and hash over what the Ancients did; but should there not also be a place in the CollArt for works that are being created before our eyes?

The OT-type threads are where they need to be, in General, a good place for miscellanea. I did start a thread there once (whether it was Roman Humor or the Idea Factory I don't recall) that I afterwards thought might go better in one of the Collegia. As our Collegium choices have also dwindled, I don't remember which one I wanted to put it in. Ah, well; no harm, no foul.

Not everything that's fun is a ludus. And some things that are ludi I don't find very entertaining at all! I like reading about the chariot-races, when they're busy and I'm relaxing; they more than justify a separate section. OTOH, I strongly object to venationes. Being who I am, I cannot, under any circumstances, take animal abuse lightheartedly. There are some things you just don't kid me about.

I don't believe my stories belong in the same category as anything like that. No; no thank you. I shall be very angry if I have to scroll past a venatio to get to the RP. They're not a good mix.

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Postby Tiberius Dionysius Draco on Sun May 08, 2005 1:22 pm

Salve Duelliane,

I have to say I disagree with this. In my opinions, there is a great difference bewtween any of the "normal" ludi and the RP-thread.

I would say that things like theater festivals, charito races, gambling, etc. belong there. However, I feel that RP'ing does not.

I consider the RP-thread somewhat as a place where one person is telling a story. You know, the kind of entertainer that went from town to town with a story to cheer up people.

So even though it is entertainement, I consider its cultural value is a lot higher. For me, it rightfully belongs in Artium.

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Mari, a little further

Postby Aldus Marius on Mon May 09, 2005 12:08 am

Salvete, clare viri...

Mi Tiberi, I am glad you see the RP the way I do, as akin, perhaps, to a novel-in-progress. It is, yes, fashioned by many hands besides my own; I didn't even start the thread! Yet I am widely regarded as the moderator of the RP. It is in that capacity that I sometimes call it "my" RP thread, and not out of any possessiveness or desire to deny its co-authors any credit for the results.

Mi Duelliane, I can see your reasoning--indeed, I had seen it before posting my reply. "Ludi", loosely-defined, could include almost anything of a game-like nature. But I see the RP as art (drama or communal storytelling); as a re-creation of ancient Roman life, it could even reasonably be placed in the CollHist. But I think the Artium is the best home for it, due to the creativity involved in its fashioning. This gives story-Marius, for example, the leeway to drink cream soda at the tavernae, and to have served in Texas.

But there absolutely were tavernae, and that road they're travelling on, and mansiones, and grubby Patricians, and awkward Provincials, and even raggedy wild-men in wolf-skin cloaks. You will not find these things recreated anywhere else in the SVR but in the RP thread, and in whatever is left of the CollVitaQuot. Outside the Societas, they are the nearly-exclusive province of roleplayers and writers of fiction. Raggedy wild-men live lightly on the land, you see, and leave no traces in the archaeological record.

The Ludi Societatis to date are made up of things of a competitive nature. There have been many chariot-races; a couple of gladiator-fights; an essay-contest. This last was probably the closest in spirit to the RP; but the contest was for reviews of previously-published items only, no submissions of original work. (I offered.) So, again, the Ludi that I've seen have all been about competition, not originality. I enjoy the opportunities for creative expression that I can get just about anywhere on the Board. But the only home creative writing seems to have here is in the CollArt, on our humble RP thread.

FYI, that venatio--in which I stormed out with the Pax Viridis, and the first animal killed was a Wolf--took place on 13-14 September of last year, subject header: "Ludi Romani - Gladiators". I have not visited the Ludi since, except just now to verify the dates.

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Aldus Marius Peregrinus.
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Moved: the "Aediles" thread

Postby Aldus Marius on Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:52 am

Salvete Sodales...

If you're wondering where the "Aediles" thread went, I moved it to its own separate section of the "Res Publica" area. It occured to me that some of the topics discussed there--security matters and several sections of code among them--might be a little sensitive to leave out where the general visitor or non-Sodalis can see them.

It is now marked as a "Private" forum, same as the Comitia. If you can access the Comitia, you should be able to see and enjoy the Aediles thread. If anyone believes s/he should be able to access it--or the Comitia--and cannot, please e-mail me privately and I'll get it straightened out.

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Postby Primus Aurelius Timavus on Thu Mar 09, 2006 10:04 pm

Welcome back Orce! I haven't seen you post in a while, and I've missed your contributions at ColRel.

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Postby Quintus Aurelius Orcus on Thu Mar 09, 2006 10:09 pm

Salve Tergeste

Thnx. Well I have been busy and going through some personal stuff. But I'm glad to be back.

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"Venatio" Thread

Postby Aldus Marius on Sun Mar 12, 2006 2:03 am

Salvete omnes...

Our lively discussion of venationes deserves a home of its own. Also, the Ludi Societatis forum could use some love! So I've made a separate topic for "Ludi et Venationes" there. Carry on, and now we don't have to worry about being OT! >({|:-D

In amicitia et fide,
Aldus Marius Peregrinus.
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