Alphabet Game

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Moderator: Aldus Marius

Postby P. Scribonius Martialis on Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:03 am

I'll give this a go:

Aldus bene cantat de excavatione. Fui gelidus hebesque iam - ludos Martialis nunc optat perituros, quorum repetendo sodales taedet. Utinam vappam exeam.

Of course the Romans had fewer letters, and endings carry most of the meaning - so it's a good deal easier in that language.

And don't go thinking that I meant anything in that sentence. Just a joke, OK? :)
P. Scribonius Martialis
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Postby Aldus Marius on Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:47 am

Salve, mi Martiale...

...and thank you for chipping in!

What a fun idea, to do them in Latin! It does have its advantages, yes. One time I figured out a way to play Latin Scrabble. (I don't remember all the details now, but I think I had to commandeer all the blank tiles and all the letters that did not exist in Latin, and turn them all into U's. That and a few letter-point adjustments...)

Did you know that most of the dogs I know seem to prefer Latin commands to English ones? --Even people from Romance countries have to adjust their "ear" when they come to a Germanic-speaking one. At first they think, because of the harsh, clipped sounds, that everyone is mad at them. At any rate, my pups are much more likely to calm down from a barking frenzy when they hear "Sedete, catulli bon'" than when I holler "Knock it off, Dawgs!!" >({|;-)

In amicitia (includes good chuckle),
Aldus Marius Peregrinus.
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Postby Gnaeus Dionysius Draco on Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:24 pm

Salve Mari,

You know, when people from Germanic countries go to Romance countries, they think exactly the same because of the fast speaking pace and the body language of the locals ;).

By the way Publi Scriboni, that's an impressive feat!

Optime vale,
Gn. Dionysius Draco Invictus
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