Fik Meijer

Everything related to the ludi circenses and its teams or workings, including games or contests in the Societas Via Romana. Bring on the fun!

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Fik Meijer

Postby Gnaeus Dionysius Draco on Mon Jul 19, 2004 1:49 am


I want to know if anyone (especially the Dutch-speaking, since I assume his books haven't been translated in English or other languages) has read a book by Fik Meijer. He appears to have written books on gladiatorial bouts, and, more recently, also one about the circuses. I've browsed through it at the book shop, and while impressed at the detail and the amount of scholarship that went in it, I have the same fundamental qualms with his ideas that I also found in an interview I read with him earlier.

Any other opinions?

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Postby Quintus Aurelius Orcus on Mon Jul 19, 2004 10:20 am

Salve Draco

To be honest, I haven't heard of him before today?
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Postby Publius Dionysius Mus on Mon Jul 19, 2004 11:09 am


I have already read several books by Prof. Meijer, and I also saw two of his lectures in Ghent (one about the gladiator games and one about the Circenses). I am currently reading a book from his hand about trade and commerce in the classical world.

Whatever subject he writes on, his research is always done very thoroughly. He is certainly one of the more popular writers from the academic world, but he is a good writer. The combination of good writing and thorough research is, IMO, a very good combination, and so I would advise everyone (unfortunately, I don't know if he's already translated in English) to check out F. Meijer's books.

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Postby Gnaeus Dionysius Draco on Mon Jul 19, 2004 11:38 pm

Salve Mus,

Well, I won't dispute his scholarship, but I took a bit offence at his clichéd depiction of Rome as a violent and primitive society. Perhaps he makes an exaggerated point to counter the optimist viewpoint on Rome (seeing it as an almost-modern state). In fact I do agree that Rome exhibited many primitive characteristics, but I find his sweeping generalisations such as the aristocracy hating the common people to be a bit odd.

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Postby Quintus Pomponius Atticus on Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:05 pm

Salve Draco,

I'm now reading Meijer's "De oudheid van opzij. Oudhistorische notities", first published in 1997. It is a collection of tiny pieces (4 or 5 pages each) treating all sorts of topics : a famous robber, the recipes of Apicius, the origin of the word "urinatores" for divers, pyromaniacs in ancient Rome, the searoad to India etc. A nice stew of varied topics I'd say, and the ideal format for reading on the toilet :lol: !


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