PRAETOR - candidates here please

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PRAETOR - candidates here please

Postby Publius Dionysius Mus on Wed Nov 13, 2002 11:30 am

Here candidates for the office of praetor may post their candidacy, and questions and debate with these candidates should also be done here.
Publius Dionysius Mus

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Postby Quintus Aurelius Orcus on Wed Nov 13, 2002 3:39 pm

Salvete Sodales
I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Praetor. I hope that when i'm elected Praetor i will do a good job as those who went before me.
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Postby Q. C. Locatus Barbatus on Thu Nov 14, 2002 7:27 pm

Salve Sokare,

I regret to announce that, after reading the regula thoroughly, I noticed serving rogators can't stand for office in that year.


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Postby Q. C. Locatus Barbatus on Thu Nov 14, 2002 7:42 pm


What is a praetor?

- there are always two, serving a term (normally) lasting one year
- He sits in the senate
- He investigates any misbehaviour of our member(s), and if necessary remove that member of the fora (temporary) and eventually out of the societas. He can also investigate the case of a refused applicant.

In fact the Praetor is a kind of judge who guarantees all rights of the members in our Societas.


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Postby Publius Dionysius Mus on Thu Nov 14, 2002 10:27 pm

Publius Dionysius Mus consul senior Omnibus SPD

I hereby announce my candidature for the office of Praetor. This magistracy is at present very unclear: they have certain duties according to the Regula, but there are no fixed procedures or anything like that. I would like to change that. Together with my colleague, and in cooperation with the Senate and Comitia, I would like to set forth the procedures for the Praetores and their office.

Honours, powers and obligations of the Praetores, according to the Regula:

(b) To issue those edicta desirable to advance the mission and purposes of the Societas and set forth their principles for interpreting and administering this Regula and the decreta of the Societas in the process of rendering justice;

I will, in cooperation as mentioned above, issue such edicta to set clear and transparent procedures for the following duties of the Praetores (quoting again the Regula):

(c) To collegially remove a member from the fora if the majority of Aediles has requested so, in which case the Praetores must investigate the case and decide whether or not to remove the member from the fora, and for what period, by means of an arbitrium. If the person in question is a Praetor or if one of the two Praetores is away for an indefinite or long period of time, the other Praetor may take this decision alone.
(d) To collegially investigate and reverse a decision by the Censores to deny membership to an applicant, in which proceedings their decisions shall be immune from intercessio and provocatio.
(e) To render judgement in adjudications and enforce the same, including removal of membership, subject to the limitations imposed by intercessio and provocatio, a Consul, however, having no right of intercessio in his own or his colleague's case;

I firmly believe, however it has not yet been necessary, that we need a strong and clear legal system in case such special opportunities arise. It is NOT my intention to create a lot of bureaucracy in the SVR, but I only want to set some procedures.

I hope every member sees the necessity of such a system, and you can show this concern by giving me your vote in the upcoming elections.


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Publius Dionysius Mus

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Primus Aurelius Tergestus for Praetor

Postby Primus Aurelius Timavus on Sun Dec 08, 2002 5:04 am

Salvete Romani,

I announce my candidacy for the office of Praetor.

I support Publius Dionysius' call for transparent processes in the decision making of the Praetores. Because the cases that come under the Praetores' authority are so sensitive, I believe that they should be resolved quickly, both for the individual involved and for the Societas as a whole. I therefore will strive to ensure that any processes instituted will not impede swift judgements.

Thank you for your interest in the elections of the Societas.

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