Aerarium Societatis

This is the Comitia (members' council) of the Societas Via Romana. While guests may read this forum, only registered members of the SVR may post or vote here.

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Postby Valerius Claudius Iohanes on Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:50 am

Bene. Gratias tibi, Aurelii Timave.
Valerius Claudius Iohannes
Curator anno MMDCCLXII
Centurio Honorarius Societatis

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Sneak Preview

Postby Aldus Marius on Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:04 am

Salvete omnes,

Mi Iohanne, we've been kicking it around ever since the Concilium met to reform the Regula last time (and ended up completely rewriting it): How to have offices (and titles for them) that reflect our Romanitas as a group, without at the same time creating a lot of empty chairs to find bodies for every election? Our original admin structure was top-heavy and contained way more offices than there would ever be candidates. The one we have now (mea sententia) goes too far in the other direction; it's so freeform it's practically generic, and while I don't miss scrambling to find Rectores and an Aedilis every year, I do miss the flavor.

But precisely because the new Regula is so vague, we (the Comitia and the Curia) have a lot of leeway to fill in the details. I too would like to see us have "magistrates" again...but, like top-level carnivores in every ecosystem, not more than the population can support. >({|;-)

As for how we would go about doing so...mine is only one idea, and I hope to formally propose it as soon as I can coax my accensus out of hiding; but you can see it on our "experimental Wiki":

There's also a link to an Excel-lookin' chart for visual reference. We worked hard on this thing! (The titles of both the article and the rogatio are me-and-Severus inside jokes. The Official Release will be called something with a little more gravitas...I hope. <g>)

The previous and current Regula versions are in the "Regula" section of the SVR site itself, under "Regula Fundamentalis" (current revision, which links to archived version), if you'd like to do a little SVR constitutional-law research or even just some comparison/contrast.

I'm wandering off the specific subject of fiscal policy; but if we're going to tie it to magistracies, we have to establish same, and the vagueness of the current Regula gives us lots of room to do that.

In amicitia et fide,
Aldus Marius Peregrinus.
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Aerarium Magistratusque

Postby Valerius Claudius Iohanes on Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:02 am

Ave, Alde Mari -

Denuo, gratias tibi ago pro me animadvertendo ad vestrum consilium magistratoriale. Et satis simplex et satis Romanum videter, ut opinor. Atque video Censorem esse qui rem pecuniae tractaret.

It looks like a good scheme.

(But why call them "Stolen Rules"? Were they "borrowed" from some other organization?)

In amicitia.
Last edited by Valerius Claudius Iohanes on Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
Valerius Claudius Iohannes
Curator anno MMDCCLXII
Centurio Honorarius Societatis

:: Adversitas bono viro intelligentiam docet. ::
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Valerius Claudius Iohanes
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Wiki Alert!!

Postby Aldus Marius on Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:12 am

LOL, mi Iohanne!

...Na, I told you the article names were an inside joke. Let me see how far I can still backtrack this; we worked on it from February to April...

"Ancient Ways" is P Nonius Severus' toy Wiki. He threw it together just to see what an SVR-ish site would look like as a Wiki...and also to give me a "sandbox" where I could break in my own Wiki skills (at the time, non-existent) without actually, you know, breaking anything.

The Index page for Ancient Ways has different sections, like our site does: Intro, Groups, Members, Rules... Bene, "Rules" is where we began experimenting with "categories". We made a category page for all articles dealing with rules. I wrote the intro to said category page, called "Rulesmania!", and said, in part:

It's true: We're mad on rules here. Old rules, new ones; modified, begged, borrowed, and stolen ones. Hei, some people collect stamps; we collect Constitutions! Do incline your head respectfully as you enter our little Archive, and don't forget to vote.

So of course there had to be articles on begged rules, borrowed rules...Stolen Rules. (I was actually going to get really silly and go for the wedding charm: Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue...) "Stolen Rules" is the only one that's actually been written; Mari does have real Web-work to do. But that's where I put my "Miscellaneous Brain-Fluff" proposal, yes.

Hmm, now what were we actually discussing...? Oh, yes--who gets to carry the begging-bowl. >({|;-)

In amicitia,
Aldus Marius Peregrinus.
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