
Salvete, new amici; tell us a bit about yourselves! But this is no ordinary Intro forum; you will learn quite a bit about the rest of us too. >({|:-)

Moderators: Aldus Marius, Valerius Claudius Iohanes


Postby Anonymous on Tue May 22, 2007 10:27 pm

I little intro. I've been perusing this board back and forth when time permits, usually during work (heh) and I've decided to finally join. My interest in all things Roman is rather recent, but it basically comprises all my interests all together when researching it - religion, history, war, tribes, military warfare, etc.

I am 26, and I just recently decided to go into school to make my hobbies into a degree. I am fascinated with history, archeology, languages, etymology, Indo-European tribes, religions, computers, comics, shoes, and other non-roman stuff. I really hope to get more familiar with everyone and the terminologies (I plan to add Latin in my curriculum!) and if I sound like a ignoramus or I'm making blanket statements out of place, feel free to slap me with ancient scrolls - don't worry, I learn fast. :D

Vale omnes!

Ave Serena!!

Postby Aldus Marius on Wed May 23, 2007 1:20 am

Salve, amica Romana, et Salvete omnes!

(Your name has put a tune in my head; it's Loreena McKennitt's "Serenissima", from her Book of Secrets album, a lovely collection if I ever heard one.)

You sound like me in '91, when I came into the Heritage, right after Desert Storm. I was only three years older than you are now, and I, too, had such broad interests that it took something like Ancient Rome to pull them all together!

And now my secret: You can take just about any college course and find some point of relevance to Ancient Rome. I kid you not. The obvious stuff, of course...Western Civ I, World Literature, any Latin that may be available in your neck of the woods. But also Cultural Anthropology; Physical and Cultural Geography; Archaeology (naturally); World Religions; hei, even some of the themes in my English classes transferred over all-but-intact. The human experience really is universal to all times and places; I'm even kicking around ideas for a Roman "Western". So here I am, sitting on a degree in Historical Cultural Anthropology, which basically means I get to run all over the place asking, "Gee, I wonder how the Romans did this?" or "Say, what'd the Romans think about that?"

...Oh, computers? --I think Romans would have been natural database wizards; that just goes with their basic instinctual urge to go out and Organize everything in sight. >({|;-)

...Oh, comics? --I have a pile of Roman comics right here, waiting for me to break off Webmastering long enough to come up for air and write the reviews for them.

So really, I could ask "What Non-Roman Stuff?" Because for me, there isn't any. Then friends have always said I'm hard-core! <g>

Oh...and no one is going to thwap you with an ancient scroll. The worst thing that can happen to anyone here is to be tagged by the Latin Inquisition, and they're awfully nice about it.

Welcome to our Forum and to the Societas Via Romana!
Aldus Marius Peregrinus.
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Postby Q Valerius on Wed May 23, 2007 2:11 am

Nobody expects the Latin inquisition!
Q Valerius
Posts: 393
Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2004 7:06 am

Greetings, Serenilla

Postby Valerius Claudius Iohanes on Wed May 23, 2007 11:40 pm

Salve, Serenilla -

Welcome to the Societas Via Romana. I've been around here since 2005, but also count myself a newcomer, relative to the founders. I have always been impressed by the respect and good humor shown by members here in the Forum. The beauty of the Society is that it's friendly and inclusive.

And your return to school sounds wonderful. (Wish I could do the same at this point in life!) And learning Latin? Maxime. Get in there and start, as you plan! I took two semesters long ago in a small, seminar-like setting - sitting in the professor's office - and went on to read this and that, to review and study on my own, and kept a diary in my "schoolboy" Latin for years. And so I managed. Enthusiasm helps, but so does patience.

Again, felicitationes tibi ago. We're glad you're here. Ut vivat Societas nostra! Vale bene.
Valerius Claudius Iohannes
Curator anno MMDCCLXII
Centurio Honorarius Societatis

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