Results of a Senate vote

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Results of a Senate vote

Postby Gnaeus Dionysius Draco on Sat Dec 04, 2004 12:51 am


Some time ago, an internal SC regarding the workings of the Senate passed. Here it is:



This Senatus Consultum shall govern the internal voting procedures of the Senatus of the Societas Via Romana.

I. An official proposal, with the future intent of voting the proposal or a modified form thereof, shall only be considered as valid if:

Ia. it is made by a Senator;

Ib. if it makes clear that it is a proposal;

Ic. if it sets a period in which the proposal shall be discussed, no shorter than one week and not longer than three weeks;

Id. if it is made in the official communication avenue of the Senatus, or, if one does not exist, all Senatores have been informed of the proposal through e-mail.

II. After the discussion period on the proposal is over, any praetor or consul may let an official debate begin and recognise the proposal as official. This official debate shall be accompanied by the final proposal, if any. The text of this proposal, if any, is not subject to change from this point on.

IIa. This debate may not last less than one week and may not exceed two weeks. The exact period shall be defined by the proposing magistrate.

IIb. In case of absence of the proposing magistrate, any other praetor or consul may act as though they are the proposing magistrate.

IIc. This debate shall be optional in case of non-legislative matters such as the recognition or derecognition of provinciae and collegia or other petitions laid before the Senatus.

IId. The announcement of the debate shall be made in the official communication avenue of the Senatus, or, if one does not exist, all Senatores shall be informed of the debate through e-mail.

III. After both the proposal discussion and debate period have passed, voting is to commence.

IIIa. This voting period may not last less than one week and may not exceed two weeks. The exact period shall be defined by the proposing magistrate.

IIIb. In case of absence of the proposing magistrate, any other praetor or consul may act as though they are the proposing magistrate.

IIIc. Votes shall be valid when, on the condition that they are cast within the specified voting period: individual Senatores make their voting preference known through the official communications avenue of the Senatus, or, in case one is absent, e-mail to the Senatus. The only valid options shall be "uti rogas", "nego" or "abstineo". Senatores may not change their votes after they have voted.

IIId. The announcement of the debate shall be made in the official communication avenue of the Senatus, or, if one does not exist, all Senatores shall be informed of the debate through e-mail.

IIIe. Senatores strongly are encouraged to motivate their vote.

IV. A proposal is considered ratified if it has been approved by a normal majority (50%+1), with at least half of the Senatus voting, rounded up.

V. This Senatus Consultum is not retroactive and shall be valid only for the voting procedures after it takes effect.


As to the votes (in order of voting):

    Gnaeus Dionysius Draco Invictus: Uti rogas. I think it's about time we established these procedures, and it's been long overdue.
    Quintus Aurelius Orcus: My vote is uti rogas.
    Aulus Dionysius Mencius: Uti rogas andd sorry for the delay... I must have overlooked this back in August, when I was occupied with school matters.
    Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus: Uti rogas.
    Publius Dionysius Mus: Uti rogas.
    Marcus Scribonius Curio: Abstineo.
    Tiberius Dionysius Draco: Uti rogas.
    Tiberius Coruncanius: I'm glad to see this matter up for a vote again. Does this apply just to Senatus Consulta? What of measures initiated in the Comitia? Can measures be brought to discussion in a similar fashion in the Comitia before all members? And, uti rogas.
    Quintus Claudius Locatus Barbatus: Uti rogas.

Lucius Tyrrhenus Garrulus and Titus Marius Crispus did not cast their vote.

Valete bene,
Gn. Dionysius Draco Invictus
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Gnaeus Dionysius Draco
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