Results of the Senate vote

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Results of the Senate vote

Postby Gnaeus Dionysius Draco on Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:29 am


I am hereby announcing the results of the Senate vote on the amendments of the Regula Fundamentalis, the presentation of which you can find in a seperate topic. So the amendments are hereby omitted.


Amendment of article I.4: PASSED

Uti rogas: 6
Nego: 3
Absinteo: 1
Failed to vote: 2

Amendment of article III.1: PASSED

Uti rogas: 10
Nego: 0
Absinteo: 0
Failed to vote: 2

Amendment of article III.4: PASSED

Uti rogas: 6
Nego: 2
Absinteo: 1
Failed to vote: 3

Amendment of article V.5: PASSED

Uti rogas: 10
Nego: 0
Absinteo: 0
Failed to vote: 2

Amendment of article V.6: PASSED

Uti rogas: 8
Nego: 0
Absinteo: 0
Failed to vote: 4

Amendment of article V.8: PASSED

Uti rogas: 8
Nego: 0
Absinteo: 1
Failed to vote: 3

Amendment of article VI.1: PASSED

Uti rogas: 10
Nego: 0
Absinteo: 0
Failed to vote: 2

Amendment of article VI.2: PASSED

Uti rogas: 5
Nego: 3
Absinteo: 1
Failed to vote: 3

Amendment of article VIII.2: PASSED

Uti rogas: 10
Nego: 0
Absinteo: 0
Failed to vote: 2

Amendment of article VIII.4: PASSED

Uti rogas: 10
Nego: 0
Absinteo: 0
Failed to vote: 2



* new iurisconsulti
* virus and spam threats
* a senatusconsultum on internal voting procedures


As some may notice, it appears that some amendments were passed by the Senate although the majority of votes were not "uti rogas" (yes) (III.4 and VI.2). On the voting procedures for the Senate, there is a Senatusconsultum underway, but presently I have interpreted the results as my predecessors traditionally have, not counting those who failed to vote and then look at the total number of votes cast. If the yes-votes are a normal majority, the motion, amemdment, sc or other issue is considered passed.

Gn. Dionysius Draco Invictus
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Gnaeus Dionysius Draco
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