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Introducing avatars!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 2:10 pm
by Gnaeus Dionysius Draco

Tarquinius and I have decided to allow avatars on this site.

You can probably see mine :lol:.

Normally we were going to allow people to upload their own avatars but even though we switched on this feature it doesn't seem to work, so you'll have to link directly to an image stored on the web. However, if you don't know such an image or have found one but it's too large (avatars can be no more than 100x100 pixels and be over 60KB), please submit your image to me and I'll make it an avatar and provide you with the URL you may use.

Of course, the nature of this feature may change as we progress!


PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 2:17 pm
by Tiberius Dionysius Draco

look at mine, look at mine!! :D


PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 2:44 pm
by Horatius Piscinus
Salvete Aediles

Kindly explain to us computer illiterates how this is done and we may think of adding an avatar for ourselves.


PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 3:40 pm
by Gnaeus Dionysius Draco
Salve Piscine,

Go to your profile by clicking the link to it at the top of the page. At the bottom of your profile page you'll see a section dealing with avatars. In the empty field you can type an URL that directly links to a picture you'd like to have as an avatar (it has to be 100x100 pixels or under and may not excede 60KB).

If you can't find any, or have found one but it's too large, you can always send it to me. I will then edit it for you and insert it in your profile.

Optime vale!

Here's Mine...

PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 2:08 am
by Aldus Marius
I know I wasn't too keen on the idea when polled, but... Now that we've got them, why not spend most of a pleasant evening getting mine to work?! >({|;-)

...Anyway, here he is.

In amicitia,

PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 9:30 am
by Gnaeus Dionysius Draco
Um, I can't see it. I'll go looking at your profile.


PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 9:37 am
by Gnaeus Dionysius Draco

I can't seem to access the server "for a change" :evil:

I've pinpointed the problem Mari. Your avatar links to YahooGroups, to which this site has no access. You may have access to it but our site doesn't (and can't). I went to Yahell myself and downloaded the image to put it one of our directories but the server seems to be disinclined to cooperate today.

EDIT: VoilĂ , it's up!!


PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 2:01 pm
by Anonymous
How can I attach the picture I want for my avatar, are attachments disabled?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 2:12 pm
by Gnaeus Dionysius Draco
Salve Ultor,

In order to have an avatar, you should go to your own profile and edit it there. If your avatar is not available on the web somewhere (we haven't yet figured out how to make uploading possible), send it to my private e-mail adress and I'll put it on the server (if it isn't acting cranky ;)).


Avatars, soon-ish

PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 1:14 am
by Aldus Marius
Avete amici!

Thank you, mi Draco, for whatever magic you did to make my Avatar work. My list of Web storage spaces isn't getting any longer, and most of them end with 'yeehaw-dot-com'. I may need to prevail on you to grant me some cubic footage on your server in the near future. Meantime...

...I am putting together a largish collection of Avatars for everyone!! Considering it's me, most of them are military; but I did manage to excavate some suitable for civilians, a few for Ladies, and even one that can be shared by a real-life couple. (Sources include photos of miniatures, Pompeiian wall-paintings, and bas-reliefs.) There are nearly thirty of them.

The only catch is that they are being stored in my [RomanOutpost] Yahoo Group's Shared Files area. To access them, you will need to subscribe to the Group. This should be harmless; I'm actually in the process of archiving and dismantling it, it's been quiet for so long, and of course once you have your Avatar you can always unsub and stash it wherever's more convenient. The Web addy is

Once you're a member, click on 'Files'; then click on the 'Avatars' folder. You can preview them by clicking on filenames.

I'll be honest: These are not the highest-quality images you can find. Really, they're just to get everyone started; later you may find something really nice that better suits you. The Standard-bearers in particular have really suffered from the 100-pixel requirement, as their images include a big tall pole as well as the soldier himself. I have placed full-size versions of them and other problematic ones outside the Avatar folder, in the main Files directory; perhaps someone else can tweak these images with better results than I got.

In the same place are some other images that I think a clever person could get multiple Avatars out of. The square ends of my Bumper Sticker just cry out to be made Avatars; there's even one for our Hoplite!

All images with file-names beginning 'Mini-' are no more than 100 pixels in their largest dimension, except for figures with large bases; these need to be cropped a little, but are 100 pixels or less for the figure itself, minus the base.

Draco, if you e-mail me in private I'll have a little more technical info on the Avatars and the possibilities of the 'problematic' images.


In fide,

Gratias Marius

PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 11:18 pm
by C.AeliusEricius
Thanks for the avatar. This message is actually a test to see if I installed it right.

Valete omnes.

C. Aelius Ericius.

Correct Installation...?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 11:38 pm
by Aldus Marius
Salve, Erici!

I think the only 'real' way to install these correctly (read Draco's post from after my Avatar's first outing) is to send them to Draco and let him do whatever he does to them to make them work. I think his server is allergic to anything not home-grown on it locally, as the web-addy feature barely works and the upload feature doesn't work at all.

Draco, mi amice, any chance this thing won't be quite so fussy in the near future...? It's giving Morris the Cat fits. >({|;-)

In fide,

PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 11:49 pm
by Curio Agelastus
Salvete Mari et Erici,

Well, here's a post to see if mine worked. Mi Mari, I laughed hysterically when I saw your name for the staff-wielding warrior! I couldn't resist adopting him, at least until I find an avatar that looks more like me. :D

Ad honorem,
Marcus Scribonius Curio Britannicus.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 3:40 am
by Horatius Piscinus
Salve Britannice

Curious and more curious. I don't see you. And I have yet to see my selection either.


PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 11:52 am
by Gnaeus Dionysius Draco
As said before, there is a reason why you aren't seeing it.

The avatar links to a site (RomanOutpost at YahooGroups) which is password-protected. YOU may have access to this site, but SVR as a whole, nor the forum, nor your account here has.

So I'm afraid the best option is to send your avatars to me and I'll install them for you.

BTW Mari I'll mail you later on the day ;).

Valete bene,

PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 12:09 pm
by Horatius Piscinus
Salve Draco

Well, I did that too, and still don't see me. BTW I have some pics to use too. Mostly of small bronze and silver statues. [I should send them to Col Art anyway] SVR could make its own page from which sodales could select their avatars, as Marius tried to provide


PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 8:42 pm
by Gnaeus Dionysius Draco
Yes, I'll be working on that in the near future as soon as my own computer is in order again and working properly.

Vale bene!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 9:08 pm
by Gnaeus Dionysius Draco
Mus', Piscinus' and Curio's avatar are uploaded now and are working. If Ericius wants to mail me his (or someone do it for him), I can get his working as well.


My avatar

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 9:11 pm
by Publius Dionysius Mus
Dionysius Mus omnibus salutem

First of all, thanx to Draco for making my avatar work!

For those who wonder what it represents, it is the painting called "Decius Mus Addressing the Legions", painted around 1617 by the great Flemish painter Pieter Paul Rubens (now in the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC)

A quote from the website:
"About 340 B.C., the cities of southern Italy revolted against the authority of ancient Rome. At their camp near Naples, the Roman leaders were visited by a divine apparition who declared that the army of one side and the commander of the other must be sacrificed to the Underworld. The prophecy meant that the side that lost its general would be victorious. Rubens imagined the moment before the battle when Decius Mus, standing on a dais, tells his troops that, for the sake of Roman victory, he would allow himself to be killed.

Symbolizing Jupiter, the Roman king of the gods, a mighty eagle clutches lightning bolts in its talons and hovers behind Decius Mus. Rubens derived the soldiers' armor, helmets, shields, and military standards from ancient Roman sculpture. The whole composition, in fact, with its large figures silhouetted in the foreground, recalls the appearance of bas-reliefs carved on Roman victory monuments.

The subject is the first in a series of eight tapestry designs on the theme of Decius Mus, which Rubens completed by May 1618 for a Genoese patron. The panel is a modello, or small model, that was enlarged by workshop assistants into a full-size picture, called a cartoon, that was sent to Brussels for the weavers to copy."

Optamo vobis bene valere


PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 11:20 pm
by Aldus Marius
[slumped in the saddle]

...Well, I tried.

** trudges off, leaving behind the paintbrushes and pixels that have slipped from his grasp **