SVR Annales

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SVR Annales

Postby Aldus Marius on Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:51 am

[This topic originated in the General-->Masterfully Comprehensive Plan thread.]

Salve, amice Curio, et Salvete omnes...

Slightly off-topic, but I do feel the need to answer a question where it was asked:

The contemplated Archives would contain historical material relating to the Societas. There would not be a lot about Nova Roma, just enough to give the reader a sense of the context out of which we were formed. Other articles I've earmarked for it are prior versions of the Regula, Magistrates' edicts and decreta, and what documentation and commentary I have on various topics that have come up...say, the Decretum de Nominibus, the Collegia reform, and the site outage earlier this year.

A lot of this (old Regulae, edicts, lists of Magistrates) would come from the current Regula pages, which need to be completely rewritten in light of the Concilium reforms. I don't want to just scrap the older stuff; it's part of our history, so needs to be preserved in some form...hence, an Archive section.

The SVR Annales would be an important part of the Archives, but not the whole thing. For them, I think the best I could realistically do would be to write the history of the Societas as I have experienced it, and then, as for other articles in the Archives, invite other sodales to do the same.

I think I'd like the Annales to end up being rather like an oral history, in which, say, one of us would describe some event from his or her point of view, and then the rest of us (anyone who cared to) could chip in with ours. We'd get a collection of such stories; rather like the RP thread, it would be a work-in-progress, and hopefully a collaboration of the entire Societas.

It has been suggested that, if I write up Annales for the Societas, the document should be put up for a vote before going up on the site. This strikes me as odd, not to mention unnecessary: does any other contribution have to be voted on before it is published? I think this suggestion was made in the belief that I was going to write the thing all by myself. But our history is a function of community memory; it ought to be a community concern and a community effort. Nothing on (any) God's green earth is preventing anyone else who cares to from entering a chronicle written from their own perspective. Mehercule, I'd welcome such a thing from Tiberius Coruncanius...or Silvanius Florus...or any number of others who've seen fit to leave us. There are lessons to be learned from our malcontents.

Again, the intent is not to write a history of Nova Roma. Certainly, for those parts of it that touch us, the stories of those who remember them would be a good thing to have...but to go all the way back to the Great Big Religious Fuss of '98, or the "Crisis" of '99, would be a bit much for visitors curious about the Societas and not the "Roman Republic Reborn". A statement of the things that brought us here, maybe some examples of NR-ishness mentioned in passing, should be sufficient attention paid to organizations besides our own.

In fide,
Last edited by Aldus Marius on Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Primus Aurelius Timavus on Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:42 pm

Salve Mari,

I very much like and support the idea of providing a public history of SVR, and I thank you for your continuing interest in putting one together.

I think that the suggestion of voting on the history was based on the idea that it would represent an "official" history of the Societas. It would therefore have to bear the imprimatur of the Comitia.

It seems to me that there are three ways of moving forward:

1. As suggested, submit a draft history to the Comitia for comment, debate, and voting.

2. Create a Wiki-history in which other sodales could contribute and discuss any differences.

3. Simply publish the document as your personal account of our history, without claiming an official title. Other sodales could publish their own views as well.

Any of the three would be much more valuable than what we have now (nothing). Since you are the most involved, which do you like best?


Primus Aurelius Timavus
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Postby Q Valerius on Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:55 pm


If you go ahead and publish your "personal version", the "Comitia" or whatever it will be by then can retroactively decide to change anything and make it official.

And Gracchus, I'm glad to hear that NR is not prejudiced against Christians again.


(Ignosce mihi, Gracche.)
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New Topic: SVR Annales

Postby Aldus Marius on Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:12 am

Salvete amici,

It looks like we're heading into a separate discussion on the SVR Annales. They have no direct bearing on Scerio's Idea, so they don't really belong in this topic...but they do belong, in the larger sense of something we all hold in common (even if they don't actually exist yet).

Ergo, I'm creating a new topic. And I'll keep it in General so any wandering scholars can share their wisdom.

In fide,
Aldus Marius Peregrinus.
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SVR WikiAnnales?

Postby Aldus Marius on Tue Oct 03, 2006 5:10 am

Salvete omnes...

If I put together, from my own personal perspective, a history of the Societas, I will not have it subjected to a vote.

In this respect, it ought to be treated like any other Web site contribution--like any other Forum post--like, indeed, any other posts I have made on the subject, and they are many. What, because the Webmaster writes it, it's different somehow? Am I not a Sodalis? Do I not have the right to contribute to the site? Tell me now, and I'll scrap the other fifteen articles I had lined up before I got this job. (Yes, Virginia, Mari's essays are just as backed up as everybody else's.)

I will make no claims of Officialhood for the thing, or even of completeness. "Personal perspective" is exactly that: personal, and neither my experiences nor anyone else's require any ratification. If anyone submits an alternate version, per Deos immortales, that shouldn't need a vote either!

All that said...

Mi Tergeste, I like the idea of making the Annales a Wiki project. I'm not that crazy about the Wiki concept in general, and I would not care to see the whole site converted to that format. But for something like this, it's ideal. It's designed for collaborative sharing of information. It's easy for anyone who wants to to read my stuff, jump in, add their stuff, get their Latin corrected <g>, get my Latin corrected <!>... Hei, this could be fun! (And it means I don't have to write a big long Thing all by myself. The Gods have other uses for my wristbones this year...eep!)

In amicitia et fide,
Aldus Marius Peregrinus.
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